我們利用 Adobe 發表的 swfobject 可以來解決其問題~
【第一步】至 官網的 Downloads 下載 SWFObject 2.2.zip (Uploaded:Jun 11, 2009)
【第三步】開啟網頁檔,把下列指令加到 <head> </head> 中
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
<div id="mySWF">這裡是當 flash 不能正常顯示時顯示的内容</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
swfobject.embedSWF("banner.swf", "mySWF", "300", "143", "9.0.0");
- 註:swfobject.embedSWF(swfUrl, id, width, height, version)是5個必須的參數
- swfUrl(String)指定SWF的URL
version(String)指定你發佈的SWF對應之Flash Player版本(格式為:major.minor.release)
相關網站:swfobject 官方網站
參考來源:蕃茄腦袋-SWFObject 2.0 讓你輕鬆的插入及控制 Flash
To become a viable industrial production option, there are a couple of challenges that 4D printing should overcome. The challenges of 4D printing embody reality that|the truth that} the microstructures of those printed smart supplies have to be close to or higher than the elements CNC machining obtained via traditional machining processes. New and customizable supplies need to be developed which have the power to persistently reply to varying exterior stimuli and alter to their desired shape.